UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ICICI Pru Nifty Next 50 Index Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 52.056
24-02-2025 52.4426
21-02-2025 53.071
20-02-2025 53.5742
19-02-2025 52.7987
18-02-2025 52.1792
17-02-2025 52.1656
14-02-2025 52.2648
13-02-2025 53.471
12-02-2025 53.3551
11-02-2025 53.3569
10-02-2025 54.7262
07-02-2025 55.7478
06-02-2025 55.7338
05-02-2025 56.1524
04-02-2025 55.7893
03-02-2025 54.9462
31-01-2025 55.3753
30-01-2025 54.5511
29-01-2025 54.5044
28-01-2025 53.4274
27-01-2025 53.2694
24-01-2025 54.8169
23-01-2025 55.6997
22-01-2025 55.1443
21-01-2025 55.6167
20-01-2025 57.1078
17-01-2025 57.064
16-01-2025 56.6358
15-01-2025 55.8267
14-01-2025 55.341
13-01-2025 53.9381
10-01-2025 56.3726
09-01-2025 57.5135
08-01-2025 58.2558
07-01-2025 58.7272
06-01-2025 58.7791
03-01-2025 60.7068
02-01-2025 60.6302
01-01-2025 59.8809
31-12-2024 59.6543
30-12-2024 59.72
27-12-2024 60.2849
26-12-2024 60.821
24-12-2024 60.5518
23-12-2024 60.5335
20-12-2024 60.373
19-12-2024 62.0636
18-12-2024 62.6128
17-12-2024 63.4379
16-12-2024 64.2888
13-12-2024 64.1255
12-12-2024 64.2287
11-12-2024 64.414
10-12-2024 64.2433
09-12-2024 63.9038
06-12-2024 64.1988
05-12-2024 63.7143
04-12-2024 63.5028
03-12-2024 63.1933
02-12-2024 62.5571
29-11-2024 62.176
28-11-2024 61.7627
27-11-2024 61.7035
26-11-2024 61.1224
25-11-2024 60.9659
22-11-2024 59.7885
21-11-2024 58.6911
19-11-2024 59.5794
18-11-2024 59.312
14-11-2024 59.2607
13-11-2024 58.9882
12-11-2024 60.173
11-11-2024 61.5129
08-11-2024 61.3411
07-11-2024 62.081
06-11-2024 62.7413
05-11-2024 61.347
04-11-2024 61.0154
31-10-2024 61.4537
30-10-2024 61.7621
29-10-2024 62.0005
28-10-2024 61.5554
25-10-2024 61.2787
24-10-2024 62.248
23-10-2024 62.3007
22-10-2024 62.5422
21-10-2024 64.4109
18-10-2024 65.2957
17-10-2024 65.0498
16-10-2024 66.5367
15-10-2024 66.68
14-10-2024 66.4987
11-10-2024 66.2625
10-10-2024 66.1757
09-10-2024 66.2911
08-10-2024 65.5821
07-10-2024 64.0791
04-10-2024 65.6085
03-10-2024 66.3372
01-10-2024 67.9503
30-09-2024 67.7857
27-09-2024 68.4198
26-09-2024 67.8165
25-09-2024 67.317
24-09-2024 67.5673
23-09-2024 67.4841
20-09-2024 66.4142
19-09-2024 65.4842
18-09-2024 65.9391
17-09-2024 66.2246
16-09-2024 66.4052
13-09-2024 66.3768
12-09-2024 66.395
11-09-2024 65.4383
10-09-2024 65.7757
09-09-2024 65.633
06-09-2024 65.5395
05-09-2024 66.4416
04-09-2024 66.412
03-09-2024 66.3805
02-09-2024 66.3133
30-08-2024 66.267
29-08-2024 65.9175
28-08-2024 66.0824
27-08-2024 65.8784
26-08-2024 65.8093
23-08-2024 65.4913
22-08-2024 65.7127
21-08-2024 65.2871
20-08-2024 65.0989
19-08-2024 64.5721
16-08-2024 64.199
14-08-2024 63.053
13-08-2024 63.0112
12-08-2024 63.7367
09-08-2024 63.9899
08-08-2024 63.1946
07-08-2024 63.701
06-08-2024 61.842
05-08-2024 62.42
02-08-2024 64.5168
01-08-2024 65.3473
31-07-2024 65.7817
30-07-2024 65.2696
29-07-2024 65.3349
26-07-2024 64.5559
25-07-2024 63.5006
24-07-2024 63.1804
23-07-2024 62.9885
22-07-2024 63.5443
19-07-2024 62.7448
18-07-2024 64.2789
16-07-2024 64.9914
15-07-2024 65.384
12-07-2024 64.8298
11-07-2024 65.1141
10-07-2024 64.9742
09-07-2024 64.9484
08-07-2024 64.643
05-07-2024 64.5741
04-07-2024 64.137
03-07-2024 63.8269
02-07-2024 63.1462
01-07-2024 63.4902
28-06-2024 62.9017
27-06-2024 62.7238
26-06-2024 62.6355
25-06-2024 62.7466
24-06-2024 62.9952
21-06-2024 62.5319
20-06-2024 62.976
19-06-2024 62.8933
18-06-2024 63.605
14-06-2024 63.2108
13-06-2024 62.2875
12-06-2024 61.7252
11-06-2024 61.2665
10-06-2024 61.3258
07-06-2024 60.8701
06-06-2024 59.9912
05-06-2024 58.7778
04-06-2024 56.3184
03-06-2024 62.0847
31-05-2024 59.3781
30-05-2024 59.2259
29-05-2024 59.853
28-05-2024 60.2714
27-05-2024 60.7913
24-05-2024 60.7044
23-05-2024 60.5179
22-05-2024 60.0872
21-05-2024 59.9959
17-05-2024 59.0011
16-05-2024 58.3136
15-05-2024 57.7202
14-05-2024 57.4233
13-05-2024 56.5788
10-05-2024 56.2124
09-05-2024 55.7538
08-05-2024 56.9612
07-05-2024 56.2189
06-05-2024 57.098
03-05-2024 57.8332
02-05-2024 58.04
30-04-2024 57.0683
29-04-2024 56.7066
26-04-2024 56.3985
25-04-2024 56.0216
24-04-2024 55.6472
23-04-2024 55.2273
22-04-2024 55.1276
19-04-2024 54.4318
18-04-2024 54.5217
16-04-2024 54.584
15-04-2024 54.5415
12-04-2024 55.4751
10-04-2024 55.7041
09-04-2024 55.2379
08-04-2024 55.4145
05-04-2024 55.156
04-04-2024 54.6853
03-04-2024 54.9187
02-04-2024 54.7705
01-04-2024 54.2269
31-03-2024 53.3403
28-03-2024 53.3426
27-03-2024 52.7009
26-03-2024 52.6181

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